Henry Notaker's

Old Cookbooks and Food History


Jewish Cookbooks 1815-1945



For post WW II books and background information on Jewish cookery see articles and books by Barbara Kirschenblatt-Gimblett. Some of the books in yiddish also have a text in English. Note that some of the books quoted have treyf (non-kosher) recipes. There is only one Scandiunavian book in the period, for more recent Norwegian, Danish and Swedish books see Jewish Cookbooks in Scandinavia.





Printed in the Habsburg Empire (today’s Austria and Hungary)


Nayes follshtendiges Kokhbukh fir di yidishe kikhe. Ayn unentbehrlikhes handbukh fir yidishe froyen und tökhter nebst forshrift fon flaysh kosher makhen und khale nehmen, iberhoypt iber raynlikhkayt und kashrut.

Wien and Pest 1854.


Printed in the Russian Empire (today’s Lithuania)


Ozer Bloshṭeyn (1840-1898)

Ḳokh-bukh far Yudishe froyen

Ṿilna 1896


Printed in the USA


Ozer Bloshṭeyn (1840-1898)

Ḳokh-bukh far Yudishe froyen

New York 1898


The same book as the one printed in Vilnius


Hinde Amchanitzki:

Lehr-bukh ṿi azoy tsu ḳokhen un baḳen

New York 1901



Kokh-bukh far Yudishe froyen.

New York 1901.


Other titles: “Bukhhaltung fir Yiden” and “Dos doktor-bukh. Aller hand krankheiten un zayere heylungen geschlidert und behandelt fir yeden menshen vos veys nit in a noyth vi zikh tsu helfen”.



H. Braun (H. Broyn)

Dos familyen ḳokh-bukh. Bearbayṭeṭ nokh Ameriḳanishe, Frantsoyzishe, Iṭalyenishe un Dayṭshe ḳokh-bikher spetsyel far der Idisher ḳikh.

New York 1914, 1928.


An English supplement is added, Jewish family cook book, adopted by Alexander Harkavy and David Moses Hermalin.



Ṿashboyrn-Ḳrosbi’s Gold medal ḳokh-bukh.

Minneapolis ca. 1921



Hinde Amchanitzki

Der origineler Idisher familyen ḳokh bukh

New York 192-


This is the third edition


Wolff Brothers (Volf Broders):

Idish-English ḳokh-bukh.

Paterson, New Jersey ca. 1925, 1933.



A.B. Mishulo & Shifrah Y. Mishulov:

Vegetarishe kokh bukh. Ratsyonale nahrung.

New York 1926.


Published by The Better Health and Correct Eating Institute.



Batamte idishe maykholim. Gemakht fun Manishevitts matses, matseh mehl un matseh farfel.

Cincinnati, Ohio ca. 1928.


The book was published by the firm B. Manischewitz Co., producer of flour for matzo. The book was in Yiddish and English, with the English title Tempting kosher dishes.



Batamte idishe maykholim. Tsugegreyt fun velt-barimte Manishevitts’s matsah-produkten.

Cincinnati, Ohio 1930.


This is the third edition. It has a slightly changed title, in English: Tempting kosher dishes. Prepared from world famous Manischewitz’s matzo products. In this edition the author of the recipes is Miss F.O. Gahr.



Lena Brown (Line Braun):

Ḳokh-bukh far gezunṭheyṭ. Geshribn ṿi tsu balansirn naṭirlekhe ṿegeṭarishe esns nokh der ṿisnshafṭlikher meṭode

New York ca. 1931



Roḳeaḥ ḳokh bukh.

Brooklyn, New York ca. 1933.


The book is published by Y. Rokeach and sons.



Krisko resepies far der idisher baleboste.

Cincinnati, Ohio 1933.


This book had the Engløish title Crisco recipes for the Jewish housewife and the text was i9n Yiddish and English. Crisco oil was produced by the firm Proctor and Gamble and was defined as pareve, that is without milk or meat products).




Ḳokh-bukh far Peyseḥ. Traditsyonele un moderne shpayz-geribṭen ("resipis") in aynglang miṭ di idishe dinim fun kashres - kosher le-Peyseḥ

[New York?]:[1937?]


A cookbook with passover recipes, published by Borden’s agricultural farm as a publicity for their products.





Printed in the Netherlands


Rebekka Wolf.

Kookboek voor israëlitische huisgezinnen.

Almelo 1881.


This is a translation of the 7th edition of the Germanoriginal.



De geheimen der Joodsche keuken. Handboek voor Israelitische vrouwen en meisjes.

Rotterdam 1892.


A translation from German.



Sara Vos:

Oorspronkelijk israelitisch kookboek.

Amsterdam 1894, 1896, 1903, 1908, 1914, 1921, 1926..



Malvine Glück and E. Bramson-Brest:

Geïllustreerd ritueel kookboek met diëetrecepten.

Amsterdam 1932


Pulished with the assistance of the rabbi I. Vredenburg, who has written about "De Joodsch-rituelle keuken" and "De Joodsche maaltijd".



Pesach in distributietijd. Handleiding voor de Joodsche huisvrouw.

Rotterdam 1941.






Printed in Germany


Joseph Stolz:

Kochbuch f. Israeliten, oder praktische Anweisung, wie man nach den jüdischen Religionsgründen alle Gattungen der feinsten Speisen kauscher bereitet..

Karlsruhe 1815.


Joseph Stolz was cook at the court of the Grand Duke of Baden and wrote several cookbooks.



Rahel Aschmann:

Geprüftes Kochbuch für Israeliten. Nach vieljährigen Erfahrungen.
Quedlinburg/ Leipzig 1835.



Rebekka Hertz:

Die praktische israelitische Köchin.

Hamburg 1867, 1869, 1890.


Rebekka Hertz, née Süsskind, also published Israelitisches Kochbuch, of which the third edition is known, Berrlin [1905?].



Flora Wolff:

Koch- und Wirthschaftsbuch für jüdische Hausfrauen.

Berlin 1888, 1889.



Rebekka Wolf:

Kochbuch für Israelitische Frauen.

Frankfurt 1853, 1856, 1859, 1865, 1871, 1875, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1891, 1896, 1901, 1912, 1933.


The book was translated into Polish and Dutch.



Henny van Cleef:

Die Israelitische Küche

Berlin/ Leipzig [1891]. Later editions 1896, [ca. 1900], 1910, [ca. 1921]



Kochbuch für die jüdische Küche.

Verlag Jüdischer Frauenbund Berlin. Düsseldorf 1926. Later editions under the title Kochbuch für den jüdischen Haushalt und Großbetrieb: Ausgabe B: Speisenfolge für die Gemeinschaftsküche, Ratschläge für Diätküche, Hinweise für Palästina  [192-], [1935], [1937].


Jüdischer Frauenbund is an organisation of Jewish women in Germany. The organisation was founded in 1904. From 1933 – the beginning of the Nazi period – and until it was forced to dissolve in 1938 the main work of the organisationaccording to the official website  – was to prepare women for the emigration to Palestine. Jüdischer Frauenbund was refounded in 1953.



Bertha Gumprich:

Vollständiges praktisches Kochbuch für die jüdische Küche.

Trier 1888, 1896, 1899, ca. 1904, Frankfurt 1910, 1914, 1925.


Bertha Gumprich (1832-1901) was married to Joseph Gumprich in Trier..



Marie Elsasser:

Ausführliches Kochbuch für die einfache und feine jüdische Küche unter Berücksichtigung aller rituellen Vorschriften in 3759 Rezepten.

Frankfurt 1901. New editions in Frankfurt 1911, 1921, 1930.



Printed in the Habsburg Empire (today’s Czech Republic)


Marie Kauders:

Erstes israelitisches Kochbuch für böhmische Küche.

Praha 1886,



Marie Kauders:

Kochbuch der ersten israelitischen Kochschule.

Praha 1891, 1895



Marie Kauders:

Erste israelitische Kochschule : Vollständiges Kochbuch unter Berücksichtigung der böhmischen, ungarischen, englischen und französischen Küche : Besondere Abteilung: Die Osterküche

Praha 1901.



Marie Kauders:

Vollständiges israelitisches Kochbuch mit Berücksichtigung der österreichischen, ungarischen, deutschen, französischen und englischen Küche, sowie der Osterküche.

Praha 1890, 1898, 1903, 1918.



Koschere Kochrezepte.

Brno [1933?]


Recipes collected by The Jewish Women’s organisation in Brno (Brunn).




Printed in the Habsburg Monarchy (today’s Hungary)


Therese Lederer:

Kochbuch für israelitische Frauen.

Budapest [1876], 5th ed in 1884



Printed in the British mandate of Palestine (today’s Israel)


Erna Meyer

Wie kocht man in Erez Israel? How to cook in Palestine?

Tel-Aviv 1925, [1936?]


Text in German, English and Hebrew.



65 Rezepte für die Küche in Erez-Israel.

Tel Aviv ca. 1937.


Published by the Broka-Works Palestine Food and Chemical Factory. Text in German and Hebrew.



Erna Meyer:

Küchenzettel in Krisenzeiten. Zeitgemässe Rezepte und Menuzusammenstellungen.

Tel-Aviv 1940


A German edition published by Joachim Goldstein.





Printed in Hungary


Giti néni:

A zsidó háziasszony könyve. Hasznos tudnivalök. Kóser szakácskönyv.

Kecskemét [1935].


Giti néni is a pseudonym.



Mártonné Rosenfeld:

A zsidó szakácskönyve.

Budapest [1938]


This is the third edition.





Printed in the Russian Empire (today’s Poland)


Rebekka Wolf:

Kuchnia Koszerna.

Warszawa 1904.


Translation of the German edition. Reprint 1995, 2007.





Printed in Denmark, sold in Denmark and Norway


Sarah Curriel:

Fru Curriels Kogebog. Jødiske Opskrifter fra Fortid og Nutid.

København 1915, 1916





Printed in Italy


Lucia Levi:

Poesia nascosta. Seicento ricette di cucina ebraica in Italia.

Firenze 1931.


The recipes were collected by the Jewish Women’s association ADEI (Associazione Donne Ebree D'Italia) in Padova and published by Casa Editrice Israel.





Printed in France


Suzanne Roukhomovsky:

Gastronomie juive; cuisine et patisserie ... de Russie, d’Alsace, de Roumanie et d’Orient

Paris 1929.



Edouard de Pomiane:

Cuisine juive, ghettos modernes.

Paris [1929].


Edouard de Pomiane or Edouard Alexandre Pozerski, son of immigrants from Poland, was a scientist and writer. An English version of this book was printed in Garden Grove, California 1985 under the title The Jews of Poland. Recollections and Recipes.






Printed in Great Britain


[Judith Montefiore]:

The Jewish Manual.

London 1846.


This is the first Jewish cookbook in English. The author was presented as “A Lady”, but it was soon known that she was Judith Montefiore, Née Cohen, married to Moses Montefiore, a businessman  and philanthropist knighted by Queen Victoria. Reprint 1983.



[Edward Abbott]:

Hebrew Cookery

London 1867.


63 recipes, first published as a chapter “Hebrew Refection” in The English and Australian Cookery Book (1964). The book was simultaneously published in Australia.



[Sarah Hess]:

Aunt Sarah's cookery book for a Jewish kitchen

Liverpool 1872, 1889



Estella Atrutel

An easy and economical book of Jewish cookery : upon strictly orthodox principles

London 1874, 1880, 1894


Dedicated to the Baroness Lionel de Rotschild



[Sarah Hess]:

Aunt Sarah's directions for teaching economical cookery in Jewish schools and families

Liverpool 1877



May Henry and Edith B. Cohen

The economical coo.

 A modern Jewish recipe book for young housekeepers.

London 1889.


The book was especially adapted as a class book for schools



M.A.S. Tattersall:

Jewish cookery book : compiled for use in the cookery centres under the School Board for London

London 1895.



The economical Jewish cook. A modern orthodox recipe book for young housekeepers. London 1897.


Especially adapted as a class book for schools.




May Henry:

The economical Jewish cook. A modern Orthodox recipe book for young housekeepers.

London 1897.


This is the 3rd edition.



C.L. Howland:

Entrées. A collection of recipes including a selection suitable for Jewish cookery.

London 1901, 1902, [1907?].



May Henry & Kate Halford

Dainty dinners and dishes for Jewish families

London 1902, 1907, 1916.



G.J. Guinteau:

Continental Dishes for English Tables, with an appendix on Jewish Cookery.

London [1908], [193-]



The little book of Jewish cookery.

London [1912].



L.J. Greenburg

The Jewish Chronicle Cookery Book.

London [1934]



Some traditional Jewish recipes.

[London 193-?]


“Traditional Jewish recipes cooked in the New World gas cooker”. Foreword by Fannie Prag.



Printed in USA


Esther Levy.

Jewish cookery book. On principles of economy, adapted for Jewish housekeepers.

Philadelphia 1871


This is the first Jewish-American cookbook. The recipes follow the Jewish dietary laws. A facsimile reprint ca. 1982.



[Bertha Kramer]:

"Aunt Babette's" cook book. Foreign and domestic receipts for the household. A valuable collection of receipts and hints for the housewife, many of which are not to be found elsewhere

Cincinnati, Ohio 1889.


Many new editions, the 9th edition in 1893. The book reflects the strength of the Reform Judaism with non-kosher recipes (lobster, crab, oyster, shrimp, ham).



Lizzie Black Kander:

The Settlement Cook Book.

Milwaukie, Wisconsin 1901.


Printed in between 20 and 40 editions, according to Barbara Kirschenblatt-Gimblett.



Cook book compiled for the building fund of Temple Israel.

Omaha, Nebraska 1901.



Pots, pans and pie-plates and how to use them. A collection of tried receipts.

Baltimore, Maryland 1905


Collected by the Hebrew Day Nursery.



Mrs. David Hirschler:

Council cook book.

San Francisco, California 1908-1909.


Published by the San Francisco section of the Council of Jewish women.



The Auxiliary Cook Book.

New York 1909.


Published by The Auxiliary Society of the Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society of New York Orphan Asylum.



The Practical Cook Book.

New York ca. 1910


Compiled by the Sisterhood of the West End Synagogue in New York City,



Mrs. Henry Leiter & Miss Sara Van Bergh:

The Flower City Cook Book.

Rochester, New York 1911.


Published under the auspices of the Sisterhood affiliated with congregation Berith Kodesh.



Cook Book.

Joplin, Missouri 1912.


Compiled by Hebrew Ladies’ Aid Society.



The Royal No. 10 Cook Book. A Collection of Tried Recipes.

St. Joseph, Missouri [ca. 1912]


Davis Milling Company in St. Joseph produced a flour called Royal No. 10.



Recipes tried and true.

Yonkers, New York 1913.


Compiled by the ladies of the Sisterhood of Temple Emanuel.



Mrs. Alfred Loeb:

The best by test cook book.

New York 1914.


Compiled for the benefit of the New York Hebrew Infant Asylum.



The Neighbourhood Cook Book.

Portland, Oregon ca. 1914, 1932.


Compiled under the auspices of the Portland Section of the Council of Jewish Women.



Florence Kreisler Greenbaum:

The International Jewish Cook Book.

New York 1918.


Many later editions, some of them under the title. Jewish cook book. 1600 recipes according to the Jewish dietary laws.



The Center Table.

Boston, Massachusetts 1922, 1929.


Compiled under the auspices of the Sisterhood and Mothers’ Club of Temple Mishkan Tefila to the benefit of a new Jewish center.



Cook Book.

Beaumont, Texas 1923.


Compiled by the Council of Jewish Women.



The Stockton Community Cook Book.

Stockton, California 1924.


Compiled by the Ladies of Temple Israel.



Mrs. Sigismund Aronson, Mrs. Samuel Brown et al.:

The Ladies’ Auxiliary to Temple de Hirsch Famous Cook Book.

Seattle, Washington 1925.



Juliett Guggenheim Frank et al.:

Helpful Hints to Housewives.

Los Angeles, California 1928.


Published by Los Angeles Section of the Council of Jewish Women.



Famous Recipes by Famous Women.

El Paso, Texas 1928.


Published by the El Paso Section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors. A new edition with additions was published in 1941 with the title Recipes. A treasure chest of cooking gems




Peter Stathas:

Universal Course in Expert Cookery.

New York [ca. 1930]


The author states in the preface that “Special emphasis has been given to the Jewish style of preparing foods.”



Rumford Company

What shall I serve? Famous recipes for Jewish housewives.

Rumford, Rhode Island ca. 1931, ca. 1940



Snappy Eats of 1932.

Pine Bluff, Arkansas 1932.


Compiled by the Temple Sisterhood.



Mildred Grosberg Bellin

Modern Kosher meals. Recipes and menus arranged for each month of the year based on current food supplies

New York 1934



Unusual Cookery.

Detroit, Michigan 1935.


Compiled by the Sisterhood of Temple Beth El.



The Sentinel Jewish Cook Book.

Chicago [ca. 1935], 1936



Balabusta” (ed):

The Jewish Examiner Prize Kosher Recipe Book.

Brooklyn, New York 1937


Balabusta means Housewife and is a pseudonym.



At home on the Range.

New Rochelle, New York ca. 1937.


Published by the Westchester Ladeies’ Auxiliary to the benefit of the United Home for Aged Hebrews.



Cookbook of Temple’s Tempting Tasties.

[Erie. Pennsylvania 193-?]



[Pearl Vielette Metzelthin]:

Sunshine Kosher Recipes.

[Spokane, Washington 193-?]


Furnished by Kosher Division, Loose-Wiles Biscuit Company.



Anshe Emeth Sisterhood Cook Book.

Youngstown, Ohio [193-?]



Hadassah Cook Book and Directory.

Syracuse, New York 1940



The Esther Cook Book.

San Antonio, Texas 1940.



Mildred Grosberg Bellin

The Jewish Cook Book. According to the Jewish dietary laws; recipes of America, Austria, Germany, Russia, France, Poland, Roumania, Hungary

New York 1941



Betty D. Greenberg and Althea O. Silverman

The Jewish home beautiful

New York, [c1941]


Published by The Women's league of the United synagogue of America. An anthology with a chapter about special holiday foods and delicacies by Betty D. Greenberg.



Miriam Isaacs and Trude Weiss Rossmann:

What every Jewish woman should know. A guide for Jewish women

New York ca. 1941.



The Auxiliary home cook book

Stamford, Connecticut 1942


Synagogue Auxiliary of the Congregation Agudath Sholom



Tina Lohman:

Book of Jewish recipes.

Indianapolis ca. 1942



Our personalized recipes

Elizabeth, New Jersey ca. 1944


Compiled by the Women's Division of the Y.M.-Y.W.H.A., 1034 East Jersey Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey




Printed in Canada


Libbie Jacobs:

The council kosher cook book.

[Montreal 192-?]


Compiled by Libbie Jacobs, assisted by A.N. Bilsky and A.H. Jackson.



Tried and Tested Recipes.

Regina, Saskatchewan [193-?]


Published by the Regina Chapter of Hadassah.


Printed in Australia


[Edward Abbott]:

Hebrew Cookery

Melbourne. 1867.


63 recipes, first published as a chapter “Hebrew Refection” in The English and Australian Cookery Book (1964). The book was simultaneously published in London.



Hilda Marks:

Home cookery and Jewish recipes.

Sydney 192-?



Nu-kooka. A modern cookery book containing best Jewish and Continental dishes, cocktails, savouries, confectionery.

[Sydney? 1934-1945]



Printed in the British mandate of Palestine (today’s Israel)


Erna Meyer

Wie kocht man in Erez Israel? How to cook in Palestine?

Tel-Aviv 1925, [1936?]


Text in German, English and Hebrew.





Printed in the British mandate of Palestine (today’s Israel)


Erna Meyer

Wie kocht man in Erez Israel? How to cook in Palestine?

Tel-Aviv 1925, [1936?]


Text in German, English and Hebrew.



65 Rezepte für die Küche in Erez-Israel.

Tel Aviv ca. 1937.


Published by the Broka-Works Palestine Food and Chemical Factory. Text in German and Hebrew.


Printed in Poland


Isaac ben Meir Dueren

Sefer sha'arei dura ha-shalem,ha-nikra issur ve-hetter

Woronowa 1944


With commentaries and annotations by Israel Isserlein.



Last update 18 OCT  2009.